1348) It is a wonderful thing that in our country, our legal system brings justice, but does it always? Of course not. When humans are behind anything, fallibility is always lurking. Because of this, many decide the form of justice that must take place and if it doesn’t, they explode. It might surprise you I agree that some of our desire for justice can be a good thing.
If you feel justice has not prevailed in a court case, you can appeal it. If you feel a business has done you wrong, you can turn to the Better Business Bureau. There are reasonable options to pursue if you feel justice has taken a hit.
Romans 12:19 tells us we need to leave God in charge of revenge and justice. I don’t think this means we need to always accept the results of when we are wronged and no justice follows. What is important is that God is not like our human justice system.
There are times we cannot exact justice from others. It might be because of our inability to control our emotions, tongues, or body. God knows this and is telling us we have biases and weaknesses that can interfere with justice, so it’s better to let him take care of it. He may reveal that it involves action on our part, but it may not.
God is the only one who can bring justice to all. There is comfort in knowing this.