1342) I have found through the years you can tell a lot about how someone was raised by their words and actions as an adult. This is because we often imitate the period of our lives, our childhood, that was greatly influenced by those we lived with. Some learned behaviors are good, others not so much. In this sense, we are in the image of those who raised us.
The same is true, spiritually. The Bible tells us God created us in his image. (Genesis1:27) If we have immersed ourselves in our relationship with God, through reading and studying the Bible and prayer, we continue to mature into God’s holy image.
As this process grows, we find we follow the example God gives us, such as the one found in Proverbs 17:1. Here we find God detests the acquitting of the guilty and the condemning of the innocent.
Any time we put on the mantle of judge; we need to be careful we are acting as one who is in the image of God. Do we jump to conclusions and condemn the innocent or, perhaps worse still, acquit someone who is guilty?
Being in the image of God is an honor, but it’s also a responsibility.