1314) I have mentioned Seth Godin before. He is the man behind the marketing seminars I have taken. In one of his daily emails, he stated, why be angry when a mouse is acting like a mouse? My tween students came immediately to mind. Working with kids is wonderful, but it can be frustrating. When they tell on each other. When they complain and whine about unimportant things. When they say hateful things to each other. These things can frustrate me, especially when I’ve seen and heard them too often.
When I’m saturated with my tweens’ behavior, if I think of Seth’s post, it helps. I remind myself that kids’ brains have not fully developed and their ability to predict the consequences of their words and behavior is difficult. But what about when adults act and react as 11-year-olds? Is this a “mouse” being a “mouse?” Good question.
Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3:4 that in the last days, people will be reckless. This recklessness is used to mean, without thinking; headstrong. People who are headstrong do not take into consideration others’ observations and thoughts; they are closed-minded. This can be by choice or because others’ poor choices have saturated them with poor circumstances, abuse (drugs or by the actions of others) and even because they were born with brains affected by these things. Regardless of the whys behind this, recklessness will be common in the last days.
What can be done about these circumstances? We can develop our thinking process with practice. Taking the time to observe and consider the circumstances we find ourselves in is helpful. These things will help eliminate reckless behavior in ourselves. The actions of others is not within our control.