1313) Life is often difficult and having friends and family who support and encourage you is a blessing from God. It makes a vast difference knowing you’re not alone when difficulties come your way. But, have you ever thought you could rely on someone, family or otherwise, and you find they double-crossed you? They took what you shared in confidence and used it against you? They kept a rumor or gossip about you alive by spreading it? There is a vast amount of hurt that fills you when these things happen.
Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3:4 that in the last days, treacherousness or betrayal of those who say they love and care for us will be common. Because of this, the foundation of a person’s trust will be made of shifting sand.
Think about what a society will be like if no one trusts anyone; suspicion pervades. During a time when people react with the hurt, anger, resentment and bitterness they feel because they have been betrayed. There would be little room for love, kindness, forgiveness, and grace. I would not like the person I would become in these circumstances.
Knowing this negative and destructive trend is inevitable, we must guard against it. We need to make the choice to make sure we give and forgive; being willing to be vulnerable and sharing what troubles us with the object of these personal difficulties. We must ask for forgiveness and make things right with the people we hurt.
If we make our relationships with family, friends and anyone else we come in contact with a priority, we can avoid causing and enduring such pain.
In the last days, many won’t bother. Don’t underestimate the power of apathy.