1285) Anyone who has spent any time with kids knows how frustrating their arguments with each other are. Having a classroom full of tweens, I have my fill of it each day. Sometimes I sit at my desk and just shake my head listening to some things they bicker over. I wish I could say this practice is only found in children, but there are many adults who do this, too, myself included.
Sometime, listen to what you say and what others say, too. How many disagreements are over the most unimportant things? Paul warns about this type of bickering in 2 Timothy 2:14. He says these types of disagreements can cause some to be led to ruins. How much damage has happened in history that started from a useless disagreement?
I try to counteract this by thinking about whether the issue will really matter 10 years from now. If the answer is no, then I need to let it go. 10 years can be a good measurement of which things are worth “fighting” for and which things aren’t.