1273) There are many things about God I do not understand. I believe, by faith, one day I will, but until then, they stir curiosity within me. One of these things concerns how Jesus, the son of the God of all the universe, became a man. In my mind, I picture a cartoon body of a man and Jesus struggling to fit into it. I smile as I write this, but I’m sure you know what I mean.
Though this is beyond human understanding, let’s explore it a little. Because Jesus made the choice to become a human, he experienced things we do. He knew what it was like to be sick. He would have suffered the effects of being overly tired and stressed out. He experienced human emotions. He saw how frustrating and evil other people can be. My list could go on and on.
For me, my take-away from this is: I have a God who not only created me but made the choice to go down in the trenches with mankind, experiencing things on our level. So, when we bring our thoughts and concerns to God, he knows experientially what it’s like. This brings me so much comfort. 1 Timothy 3:16.