1267) When you teach a child about prayer, it could be a conversation about some out-of-this-world, spiritual action, and that would be correct, but a child would better understand that prayer is really a conversation between someone and God.
The next question is natural. What do I talk about? This, too, has an easy answer, and that is, everything. There are places in the Bible where we are given some framework on it and the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4 is one example. 1 Timothy 2:1 also gives us some guidelines. In this verse, we are instructed on how to pray for others. The first in the list is to give petitions on others’ behalf. What are petitions?
The word for petitions here, as used in Paul’s day, meant to pray over others’ personal needs. To do this effectively, you have to take an interest in the object of your prayer so you can know what needs to pray over.
Yes, general prayer for these people is helpful, but God wants us to come to him with specifics and I wonder if this is for his benefit. Why? God already knows others’ needs but, perhaps he wants us to focus on these needs, too. Doing this gives us an opportunity to reach out to others, support them and love them.
Dare to take a deeper interest in others. This is beneficial to all.