1264) Some of my younger readers don’t remember the show, Leave it to Beaver, but as I read todays verse, 2 Thessalonians 3:14, it came to mind. In the show, The show’s story often takes place within Beaver’s classroom and there’s a girl named Judy that is noteworthy. Judy always tries to appear to be the best student, always reminds the teacher of things, tells on anyone misbehaving, and is quick to point out when she does the right thing (at least in her mind). Have you had someone similar in your life? If so, how do you feel about this person?
It’s easy to conclude that if such people exist, they would be difficult to live with. They make the rest of us look bad, and besides, who can compete with total good?
Our verse today instructs us to never tire of doing good. This does not mean we need to do good things to out-do others, rather we do things that are in our and others’ best interests.
Something I think of when I read this phrase, never tire to do good, is to look at God’s example. He always acts with our good in mind. Sometimes “good” doesn’t appear so because when difficulties come our way, we assume it’s bad, but not all difficult things are bad.
If we follow God’s example, striving to do the good thing holds an important motivation and purpose.