1256) I have been assigned jury duty five times. The first time I was assigned was when I was to be on my honeymoon, so, fortunately, I got that waived. The other times, I was called to serve on the panel of jurors. I remember thinking what a responsibility I was given, and I hoped our group decisions would be the right ones.
Unfortunately, sometimes a jury gets it all wrong and either the innocent are branded guilty or the guilty are declared innocent. God’s actions, however, are always just, free from anything evil and yet, when his thinking, feelings and actions are not to our liking, we are taking the seat of a juror and declaring him guilty.
2 Thessalonians 1:6 tells us that the whole of God is just. His thoughts are just; his feelings reflect reality and not perception and because of these two things, his actions are always fair.
Who would you rather have on the jury, fallible humans or God?