1151) Have you ever asked someone for something and they don’t even acknowledge that they heard you, much less seek to do it for you? I have, and it feels like I am being ignored.
Because of these feelings, I sometimes transfer it to God when I am speaking with him. When I’m pouring out my heart to God and I hear nothing back, literally or spiritually, the Father of Lies can often successfully lure me into thinking God doesn’t listen to me or he does ignore me.
The Bible clarifies this is not true. There are multiple places that tell us God hears our cries, such as Proverbs 34:6. “This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.”
What we can mistake as God’s indifference is often, in reality, God’s decision to say “No” or “Not now” to the things we ask him for.
Remember, the Bible also tells us we can plan all we want, but God determines our steps. These steps might lead in a direction we would rather not go, but they will always be for our good! Proverbs 16:9