There are some people out there who can talk and talk and talk and yet, not say a thing. I know you know what I mean. Sometimes I avoid these people because I don’t have time (or want to take the time) to get trapped into having to listen without the opportunity to inject that I need to go somewhere else (or anywhere else). These people will often lose the credibility to communicate something that is important because they have taught us they really have nothing to say.
In this Psalm, David asks God to make his words pleasing. I don’t think this is referring to the response others give him to his words. Instead, it seems to be a request that David’s words mean something to God and to others.
Does this mean David was concerned that light chatter and conversation are bad? I don’t think so, but if this is all we use our words for, it’s like only eating candy; there’s nothing to nourish ourselves and others we share with.
If we took David’s prayer seriously, I wonder how many conversations would not take place. May our words be pleasing to God. Psalm 19:14