1102) When I was in the 6th grade, I got into a patch of poison ivy. Because I have very sensitive skin, the rash spread quickly and covered much of my body. I remember my mother taking me to the doctor and in the waiting room there was a parent who moved their child away from me, thinking I was contagious. I don’t know about that, but I know there are many contagious things that do exist; grumbling, a.k.a. complaining, is one of them.
Paul admonishes us in Philippians 2:14-15 to do everything without complaining. The word complain is a Latin word meaning to express intense force. I understand this to mean when I complain; I am trying to manipulate, with intense verbal force, someone to do things the way I want.
Complaining just seems like an annoying habit (especially when someone uses it against me) but in reality, it is manipulation. Paul tells us if we want to stand out from others like shining stars, we need to choose to quit complaining and, when necessary, start a conversation about what’s really bugging you about the situation.
Forcing or manipulating someone to do what you want by frightening or irritating someone may work in the moment, but it’s rarely helpful in the long run.