
Who’s Your Partner? Thanksgiving?

1080) Some years, in my language arts classroom, I assign a poetry anthology. At first, the kids scoff at the idea, but when they see different ways to express their thoughts, they usually pick up the ball and start rolling.

One poem I assign is called a circle poem. They start with one word, then list the next word that automatically comes to mind. Next, they need to list a third word that comes to mind when they think about their second one and so on. They will do this by making a list of 12 words, but they also need to circle back and somehow connect back to their original first word.

It’s amazing to me to do something similar and “trace” how I started out thinking about one subject but then eventually arrive at such a different thought. I can often trace how one thought led to another and so on.

Partnering with thanksgiving, as seen in Ephesians 5:3-7, makes a huge difference in life. When I am down, tired, irritated and many other things, I’ll start making a list of what I am thankful for. I usually can come up with many things, but if I let my mind lead me to more by association, before I know it, my list is lengthy and my spirits have been lifted.

To borrow the words of 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “In everything give thanks.” It’s not a difficult thing to do and can change your attitude and outlook.

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