
Is God a Doormat?

911) If we were living in a time when the Old Testament law was the standard of godliness, I think it would make my faith easier. Why? Because here are the set of rules that I must keep and I simply work at obeying them. But now that Jesus was born, lived and died in our place, we are not tied to the law, but to God’s grace. He knows we cannot keep The Law, so God gives us grace, along with the opportunity for forgiveness, if we ask for it.

When I think about grace and the law, when I’m honest, I think that it’s likely that people will take this grace and run wild, doing what they want to do because they think, It’s OK. God will forgive me. These thoughts might give the impression that God is a doormat, letting people “get away” with everything because of his grace. Is this an accurate conclusion?

There are many passages in the Bible that illustrate God’s grace. In Noah’s day, the people had over 100 years while Noah was building the ark to repent from their ways, but then, God closed the door. In Moses’ day, God gave Pharaoh time after time to change his ways with each plague God sent, but then God said, “enough is enough” and dealt harshly with Pharoah. In Luke 9:1-6, even Jesus treated people with compassion but when talking with his disciples, he said that if the people in a village will not listen to his teaching, he instructed the disciples to “shake the dust off their feet” and leave.

Yes, God is very patient with people and gives ample time for people to change their ways, but make no mistake, God is not a doormat. There will always be a time when God says, enough is enough.

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