
When God Asks a Question

910) Sometimes parents (and teachers, too) ask a child a question they already know the answer to. These are times when the adults are giving the opportunity for the child to communicate something they may not have considered or to admit a wrong-doing. Throughout the Bible, God asks people questions about these same things. The most obvious example is when God calls out to Adam and Eve, asking, “where are you?” in Genesis 3. There is another such question found in Luke 8:40-56.

Here is another time when Jesus was being mobbed by people, wanting healing and other such things. Amid all of this, a woman with a bleeding disease touches the edge of Jesus’ robe, believing Jesus would heal her, which he does. Then Jesus stops and asks, “Who touched me?” Of course he already knew the answer, but let’s think about why he asks.

Maybe it was because Jesus wanted to honor this woman’s faith, or perhaps it was because Jesus didn’t want people to believe that his robe had healing powers. I don’t know for sure why Jesus asks this question, but I know that when God asks us something, it’s important to give your answer some thought. There is nothing God does that is not for a good purpose.

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