
Swords and Clubs

894) One year, one of my young students interrupted my grammar lesson, saying in his still-little-boy voice, ”Mrs. Grant. I have an ant farm.” I remember stopping in mid-sentence and looking at his sweet face and I blinked twice, surprised at this random remark. His face was so animated that I encouraged him to tell me more and he said, “All the ants died, but I still have the ant farm.”

This memory surfaced as I thought about how small ants are compared to humans. Yes, they are industrious and can be fascinating (especially to one specific little boy) but I have always wondered how the world of humans looked like to them.

This image came to mind as I read Mark 14:43-49. These verses describe Judas Iscariot bringing a crowd of people and guards, who were carrying swords and clubs to capture Jesus. I wonder how it felt to God to see his “little” humans coming to capture his son, using these weapons. If it wasn’t such a serious period of Jesus’ life; I wonder if God would have laughed at such outrageous behavior. I honestly think that would be the last thing God would do and Jesus’ words reflect this. “Am I leading a rebellion? Did you see me teaching God’s words in the temple?”

From God’s perspective as the Almighty, it’s easy to think that we are but ants to him. Even if that were true–and we know it’s not–God would have sent his salvation, just the same.

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