
The Grace of Good Intentions

891) We have all heard the matronly voice of someone who spews platitudes and often rubs us the wrong way. One such example is, “Well, you know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

I have been mulling over this phrase lately. There have been so many times when I have done or said something with good intent, but they have blown up in my face. In fact, when this happens, some of those who were affected by this have been critical and/or responded with anger. This is not, however, how God sees our intentions.

In Mark 14:27-31, Jesus predicts Peter will deny Him three times. Peter, having every intention not to do this, is emphatic that he will not. Of course, we know he does.

Jesus knew Peter had good intentions and treated him with grace. He does not bawl him out; He doesn’t make a condescending remark. Instead, He forgives Peter, holding no grudge against him. Why? Because God gives us grace for our good intentions. He knows what our motives are and this can be freeing for us. So much so that we can learn to forgive others using the grace of good intentions, too, and, harder still, learn to give it to ourselves, as well.

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