
Just Around the Bend

890) Have you ever been slapped with the horror that this life can give? Did you sit in a stupor and think, “I didn’t know when I woke up this morning that a ghastly event would happen today that would change my life as I know it.” Fortunately, these types of things don’t happen often, but if you have experienced them (and everyone will), it can leave you reeling.

There is good news, however, in this dark fog that arrived unexpectedly. Mark 14:12-16 illustrates to us that God knows exactly what is around the bend in this life. In this passage, Jesus tells His disciples to prepare for the Passover. He tells them where to go, what will be waiting there for them, and what other people’s responses would be. There were no surprises, good or bad, for Jesus.

The good news is that nothing that happens in this life is a surprise for God, and yet, the bad news is, nothing that happens in this life is a surprise for God. I phrase it this way because we love the pleasant surprises that come our way and we can think, “Oh! Thank you, God, for this.” But when the desperate things happen, it can be very difficult to accept that it did not take God by surprise but He allowed it to happen. I have found that if you’ll look close enough, you will see all the help that God provided you when you needed it. God knows what’s just around the bend.

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