
Spitting Image

885) There is a conversation that takes place in Mark 12:13-17 that caught my eye. Here we read that the “religious” leaders in Jesus’ day were trying to trap Him, so they ask Him a question that either way would make Jesus look guilty. They ask Him if they should pay taxes to Rome. If Jesus says yes, then they would accuse Jesus of going against God’s commandment of giving our offerings to Him. If Jesus says no, then they could accuse Him of insurrection against Rome.

You may remember that Jesus’ answer is spot on. He asked whose image was on their coins and they answer, Caesar’s. He then says, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s”

As I read this passage, I knew what Jesus was going to answer but, my mind went in a different direction. I considered the fact that we are made in God’s image. So, taking that thought one step further, I could hear the whisper of Jesus’ words that if I am made in God’s image, then I belong to God.

“Give to Caesar, what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” The image tells us where our loyalties belong.

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