
Is God Good?

Page 187 – The Bottle House

Stefan cleared his throat which was tightening from the tension and anger building in his body. “I knew he could have healed my Sophie, but he didn’t.” The severity of the accusation surprised Stefan, yet Chaplain Miller nodded his head in understanding.

“What you’ve just said ultimately leads to a very important question. If God is all-powerful, why do bad things happen to his children? Some understandably conclude he must not be good. Others believe there are no answers, and they develop into bitter people.

“Here’s my challenge to you, Stefan. Think of this friction within your spirit as a good thing. It is telling you, ‘Examine me. Find out why I am making your heart feel so conflicted.’”

The chaplain stood. “God understands unpredictability. He didn’t create it, but he allows it. This is a hard thing to understand and accept.”

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