
The Downside of Compassion

Page 179 – The Bottle House

Chaplain Miller clapped his hands. “You got it. When
a person is compassionate, he or she can give a valuable
gift to those who are suffering.” He paused and clicked
his pen a few times. “It can feel comforting knowing that
someone else cares about what they do. The problem
is, compassionate people sometimes allow too much of
other people’s difficulties and suffering into their heart,
and it becomes a heavy burden, just like you said. When I
was just starting out in my chaplain ministry, I made this

“What happened?”

“In my inexperienced Christian heart and mind, I
desired to help others, so I took on all the hurts and
difficulties of the people I was sent to serve. This plan of
action worked at first, but in time, I found that I’d filled
my heart so much with these things I didn’t have room to
serve them. The emotional burden I’d taken on weighed
me down.”

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