
A Long Memory

871) I remember reading somewhere years ago that husbands need to keep in mind that wives have long memories. Yes, I remember where we were, what we were wearing and what the weather was like the day my now-husband asked me to marry him. This alone blows his mind. All he remembers is where we were. I know ladies, right?

In Matthew 18:21-35, Jesus tells a story about the value of some memories. An important man wanted to settle his accounts, and he remembered one man owed him a lot. That man could not pay, so the first one erased the debt. The second man looked over his list of who owed him money and he remembered that someone else owed him some small change. When that man couldn’t pay, he had him thrown in debtor’s prison. The original man heard about this and had the one who owed him thrown into prison.

Jesus told this story so His followers would realize that it is important to remember what God has forgiven of you. Keeping this in mind has the potential to remind us we need to treat others with the same grace God gives us. Some memories are very important.

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