
When You Need It; Not Before

865) I like to be prepared. If I know that I have a deadline for writing, I expect that and build it into my schedule. If I know that I have a difficult doctors appointment, I prepare mentally, physically and emotionally, as best as I can. I like to be prepared–no surprises.

The difficulty of this is that life doesn’t work in a predictable manner. Yes, you can be as prepared as you can, but no one knows what’s just around the bend.

In Matthew 10, Jesus is preparing to send out his disciples to minister and spread the news of Christ in the present time and later in life. He makes it clear to them they will have many difficulties ahead (it’s nice to have the heads-up) but He also says that when the time comes, then God will tell you what to say–not before.

Sometimes keeping this in mind is helpful. God will keep His promises to you, but not until you need it or the time is right.

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