
Satan Knows

861) There are several times in the Gospels that Jesus interacts with Satan (in the temptation) and demons. When I read these accounts, I always wonder why there seemed to be so many in Jesus’ day that were possessed. I also wonder if this is prevalent today and, if so, what does science or medicine think this is? I don’t know the answers to these questions, but I know a few things.

First, I know that Satan and the demons know Who Jesus is; they do not doubt that He is the Son of God. Second, they both know that Jesus has power over them and in Matthew 8:28-34, the demons acknowledge their days are numbered; that God will destroy them someday.

Isn’t it interesting that we have people who don’t believe in God and yet, the very ones you would think shouldn’t. Satan and his demons, know that God exists and tremble at the thought of Him. Satan knows, maybe not believes in His words, but he knows God exists.

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