
Mercy Exposed

827) One thing I enjoy doing with my middle school students is giving them an idiom sheet with half of it missing and they have to fill in the rest. For example, “The early bird….” and I had one student fill in, “is tired.” It’s a time where we can learn and laugh together.

In thinking about “old” sayings or idioms, I like to tell my kids that these sayings are still around because there is truth to them. One such saying is: “Old sins have long shadows.” This thought is reflected in Proverbs 28:13. It says that the person who tries to cover up their sins (or, perhaps, deny, rationalize, etc.) will not prosper. They also will not experience the gift of mercy. Mercy cannot be given if there is no admission of guilt. Old sins have long shadows until they are exposed to mercy. Mercy is a bright light.

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