
On My Word

816) I read somewhere years ago that the prudent thing to do when reciting your marriage vows is to keep your fingers crossed behind your back. I don’t think the statement was meant seriously but; it makes me think.

When I was young, I had a black and white view of vows. You make them; you keep them. As I have grown older, I realize that some vows we made need to be broken as the conditions of why we made them in the first place were breached.

One thing I know is black and white in this area is found in Proverbs 20:25 and that is, when we are considering the vows we will make (marriage, child dedication, and more) God warns us to consider them carefully because not doing so often results in a trap; often seen in natural consequences.

There is good news for any of us who find ourselves in this trap. God’s grace releases us from this snare if we ask Him. He alone can set us free.

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