
The Greatest of These . . .

784) Have you noticed that the hot movies that are making the most money are often superhero themed. I’m thinking that many love the idea of having powers that extend beyond the abilities of humans. Yes, I think having many of these powers would be fun and might level the playing field of humanity. It is interesting, however, to be reminded that humans do have a superpower, and that is love.

There is nothing as powerful as love. Love helps us to be patient, and it causes us to be kind to one another. Love is being content with what we have and keeps us from showing off or being selfish. Love propels us to lift others up and not always look out for our own needs first. If we love, there would be no grudges held; no “keeping score” with others. Love is THE greatest superpower and if we activated this more often, the world would be a much better place. Proverbs 3:3-4; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

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