767) One of the heaviest burdens a person can carry is when he or she thinks they are all alone. Your heart is crushed, your stomach is queasy, you’re not sleeping well at night and when you sit in the silence, the pain is so strong; it feels like it’s eating you alive.
David knew the feelings I described. In Psalm 31:9-13, he says his sorrow was making him weak and he felt the sting of grief in both his soul and body. He states he is consumed by anguish and he’s wearing out. He felt that the people that should support him, his neighbors and friends had turned their back on him. Some of them even started rumors about him and plotted to take his life.
How could David live with so much pain? Verses 14-15 reveal the answer. David stated that despite how he felt, he chose to trust God. He put all of his circumstances in God’s hands and left them there.
If you’re like me, you’re shaking your head. How could David do this? The hard answer is that he knew he had to renew his trust in God day by day. He had to keep putting one foot in front of the other by leaning on what he knew and not on what he felt. David knew that even when he felt alone, he wasn’t and he had to remind himself of this often. You are not alone.