
The Edge of Despair

766) Eventually, most people have visited or will visit the pit of despair. Some succumb to it, living or rather, dying within this hole, seeing no way out. Others may be lifted from this pit, just in time, before irreversible actions sealed your fate. A few are saved directly and rejoice in having their feet on solid ground.

God promises to rescue His children from this pit, if you’ll call out to Him. But what about the times that you feel you barely survived, having been set by God just above the pit and you’re standing on the edge? Does this count as being saved? Does just getting by equal salvation? The hard answer is, yes.

This realization is hard to process. Why would a God, Who is powerful enough to part the waters of the Red Sea, “just barely” save His children? I have to admit, I’ve asked this question a time or two. I don’t have all the answers but, perhaps, God places us on the edge of despair so that we will continue to depend on Him and not our circumstances, feelings and thoughts. This is how David saw it in Psalm 30:3. Being rescued is what is important. Rejoice!

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