
Good Looking

763) There are several ways of seeing or looking. The obvious is seeing with my eyes. I arrive at the shore of the ocean and see the expanse of water and rushing waves. I can see with my ears. I listen for the sound of a train and see there is one nearby. I can see with my fingers. When I am working with dough, I can see when it is ready to be placed in the oven. I can see with my tongue. I can taste the spaghetti sauce and see if the right amount of garlic is present. I can see with my nose. When I have the charcoal grill lit, I can see a time in my youth when we cooked out as a family. I can also see with my mind. I can take in information and then see or discern what my choices are.

In Psalm 27:13, I find another type of seeing. David sees spiritually that God is good. This type of seeing is not a result of looking at his circumstances nor in what he hears, touches, tastes, or smells. David is accepting, by faith, that despite seeing these things, he believes that God is good.

When we see things in our lives go wrong, we can see in our hearts, by faith, that God is good and we can choose to stand alone on this seeing.

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