
Faith is Not a Feeling

760) When Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, they had the blessing of walking with God each day. They saw Him, they spoke to Him, and they, perhaps, laughed with Him. After they made the choice to disobey, all of this changed. Now when they heard Him, they hid. When they spoke to Him, their words were full of accusations and there was no laughter to be found.

Because each of us, since this time, often make the choice to go our own way, call all the shots and do whatever we wish with no regard for what God has set up for our good, we cannot experience what Adam and Eve did originally with God in the garden.

Psalm 22:1-5 illustrates this broken relationship with God. David asks why God has forsaken him. David feels God is distant and indifferent to his pleas for help in verses 1-3. Yet, in verses 3-5, David recognizes God is in control of the things of this world; He is trustworthy, and He delivers His children in their time of need.

How can David be so emotionally invested in his pain and then switch gears completely and tell of God’s faithfulness? The simple answer is that verses 1-2 tell of how David feels and verses 3-5 tell of David’s choice of looking back at God’s faithfulness. David decides to, by faith, recognize that regardless of how his emotions fluctuate, God’s actions do not. Faith is choosing to acknowledge what God does behind the scenes for us and that one day, we, too, can walk with Him as Adam and Eve originally did.

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