
There’s Something About Me I Don’t Like About You

759) It’s interesting to note that often the things about others that irritate me are many times the same things that I do. I am quick to spot the sawdust in another’s eyes and completely miss the 2 by 4 in my own. Taking this thought one step further, I read once that a liar doesn’t believe anyone else. Why? Because he recognizes how he interacts with others and can assume that this is exactly what that person is doing.

 In Psalm 18:25-26, we see this same “sight” or identification also works in the opposite way. David said that a faithful person will see God’s faithfulness; a blameless person will see God as blameless; and a pure in heart person will see that God is pure in heart.

What good things come from this type of “seeing?” If you are faithful, you will notice God is faithful; that He will keep all His promises, therefore you don’t have to worry. If you are blameless, you will notice God is blameless and you don’t put yourself in His place and judge the actions of others. If you are pure in heart, as God is, your motives are in line with His word and you can stop feeling the need to determine the motives of others.

Relationships are often reciprocal. Keeping this in mind will make our lives less complicated and more rewarding.

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