
Who is Worthy?

757) When I read Psalm 15, I have been a little confused. In the first verse, David asks God who is worthy to live with Him? Then in the ones that follow, we read that those who are worthy of living with God are: blameless, righteous, speaks the truth, does not slander, treats his neighbor fairly, does not trash talk others, honors those that deserve it, keeps his word, lends his money freely and does not accept bribes.

Whew! What a list. If I don’t think about these words, I would say, based on these standards, I am not worthy to live with God. I could go about my days without hope. I am not worthy.

The good news is, salvation is not about us being worthy but in the sacrifice of the perfect (an animal in the Old Testament and Jesus in the New), makes us worthy. We do not need to, in desperation, try to convince God that we are worthy because we are not. It is only because of God’s loving act of giving His Son to die in our place that we are worthy. It’s a gift from God; one that you can choose to accept and then, by faith, making you worthy.

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