
Which Comes First, Your Feelings or Your Thoughts?

756) There are questions throughout time that seem to have no answer. On the humorous side: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?

On the serious side: How can a good God allow evil on this earth? Why do some wicked people seem to prosper?

There is another question that I have been seeking an answer for but, depending on who you read, the answers are different. That question is, which comes first, your feelings or your thoughts?

In Psalm 13, David puts in writing the two sides of this question. He feels forgotten by God, invisible to Him and that his enemies are stronger than him. David also acknowledges God loves him with an unfailing love. He knows God gives him salvation and is always good to David. So, which came first? David’s feelings? David’s thoughts? As I think about the answer to this question, it occurs to me that feelings fluctuate; sometimes from one moment to another, but I also realize that God’s words and promises do not.

So, perhaps this question is irrelevant. When Moses asked God how to tell the Pharaoh who gave the order to, “let my people go,” God’s reply was, “Tell him, ‘I Am’ sent you.” God is and regardless of our circumstances, He will still be God.

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