
The Hand of God

733) Years ago, I remember a professor at Bible College said, “There are more ‘dos’ in the Bible than ‘don’ts’. If you spend your time doing the ‘dos’ and not doing the ‘don’t’s, you’ll be a dedicated follower of God.”

Throughout the Bible, God instructs His people to do things. It may be things of action, attitude, or thoughts that can sometimes be daunting. The good news is, God never asks His children to do things without His help.

In 2 Kings 4:1-7, a widow came to Elisha saying she and her sons were in hard shape. They could not pay their bills or buy food. As a result, the widow’s sons were about to be taken as slaves. Elisha asks her what she has, and she tells him that she has a little oil. He instructs her to keep filling every container she can find, and the widow obeyed. As a result, she could sell all the oil God provided and was delivered from the horrible fate.

God did not simply supply the widow’s needs; He required that she act on His instructions. Many times, the hand of God requires we use our hands to carry out His plans.

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