
Hearing is Believing

716) When I was a child, I remember trying to think through my understanding of God. (No small feat, of course!) Most of the time, I’d do this after I was in bed and the covers pulled up to my chin. There was a time that I can remember praying, “Ok, God. I want to know for sure that you are there! Let me hear you speak.” As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I pulled the covers up over my head because I thought if God answered me, it would be in a loud booming voice and I was scared.

God rarely chooses to communicate this way with His children, but just because He may choose not to does not mean He doesn’t communicate with and listen to us. David understood this, so in his prayer of praise in 2 Samuel 22:5-7, he said he had called out to God “and from His temple, He heard my voice.” David knew he needed to communicate with God and God spoke to him using circumstances, priests, prophets and more. It’s sometimes hard when we ask God for guidance or things. We want to hear His answer. The question is, are we listening with the right equipment? If we are, we will hear Him.

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