
Envy Is Deadly

707) Envy is one of those things that can enter our lives quietly but then it puts down roots that, when nurtured, make it almost impossible to get rid of. It also has the ability of choking out other healthy roots that were growing within. What is this invasive thing? Envy is a resentment that comes from looking at someone who has something you want, and desiring what they have instead of what you currently have. Envy is ingratitude.

We can see a good example of how deep the deadly roots of envy can go in 1 Samuel 18. King Saul knows that his days of ruling are ending and here is a young man, who is handsome, courageous, and popular. Saul grows to resent David, and this resentment brings him to the point of trying to kill the object of his envy.

Envy can be successfully battled when a person understands that anything he/she has (or does not have) is specifically because God has (or has not) allowed them. If God wants you to have more, in possessions or position, He will allow them or direct you toward it. The conqueror of envy is gratitude for what you have, which brings a contentment that is a gift from God. Choose gratitude or a slow death.

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