
Our Difficulties Have Multiple Purposes

693) There are so many things people say when you are going through tough times. “You will grow stronger because of it.” “You’ve got this.” “The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow.” These aren’t bad things to hear, but God often has more in mind when we face difficulties.

In Judges 7, Gideon prepares to fight the Midianites, a very strong and fearful nation. He gathers up his entire army and readies for the battle but God stops him. He tells Gideon he has too many men to fight and even explains why. He does not want Israel to think they won this war with their own power.

As this event progresses, God gets the number of soldiers down to 300. How in the world can Gideon win a battle against such a formidable enemy? That’s the point. He can’t.

Sometimes God gives us roadblocks that are there solely to remind us that he is at work and will deliver us, not because of anything we did ourselves. This is humbling and encouraging.

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