
In the Arms of God

684) Most of us cannot remember clearly the feeling of being carried in our father’s arms. Maybe for some of you, it was your mother carrying you. What’s even harder to remember and face that no one carried you at all when you were small.

When I’m out at the store, I’ll usually see a father carrying their child and most of the time, that child looks secure and happy. There’s something so comforting to feel loving arms around you, protecting you from anything bad.

In Deuteronomy 1:31, God uses this emotional and physical picture to remind the Israelites that this is how He has protected them each step of the way from Egypt to the Promised Land, at yet, they make the choice to turn away from Him. It’s easy for me to understand that if someone was being carried by an abusive father, they would squirm and try to get away, but traits are not true of God. How many times have we struggled against God’s arms of protection–from ourselves and others? Dare to relax in the arms of God; He will take care of you.

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