
Complaining is Contagious

678) I’ve often thought that whining and complaining are similar. As I give them consideration, I think of whining as being a childish act and complaining as the adult version. Either way, it’s tiresome to hear complaining. In my teaching career, I have had several occasions when I have worked many hours and spent a good bit of money on something I’m doing with the kids and I’ll hear, “Do we have to do that?” When I hear these words, several thoughts hit my mind. How selfish you are. I’ll think twice before I spend multiple hours and dollars on you. Complaining is insulting and tiresome, and yet we often complain to God. In Numbers 11 God’s people complain about several things and God is not pleased with them. In fact, we read that God’s anger burned against them, literally. Even after this, the complaining is passed on to most of God’s people. Complaining is the opposite of being thankful. If we can focus on being thankful, we can break the cycle of contagious complaining. This is a choice we must make, and not something that just happens when the mood suits. Complaining is contagious but thankfulness defeats it. What do you have to be thankful for today?

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