
Not Knowing

665) Have you ever considered what effect it would have on your life if you knew ahead of time what would happen in the years to come? Would knowing these things beforehand make your life easier or more difficult? (And for this question, no cheating in your musings–it’s you know everything or none, before it happens.)

At the burning bush, God reveals to Moses what was going to happen in the land of Egypt in the coming days and, immediately, Moses comes up with excuses for why he isn’t the right man for the job. God goes back and forth with Moses, who continues to make more excuses for why this is a bad idea. God reveals to Moses many specific horrible things that will happen in Egypt soon. I’ve wondered if God would not have revealed these dreadful prophecies if Moses hadn’t insisted he was not the one for the job.

Sometimes knowing and dealing with this type of information is more difficult than not knowing it at all. Moses may have avoided the extra stress, and perhaps fear, had he immediately obeyed God’s command. Knowing ahead of time most likely made things worse for Moses. Not knowing can be a blessing. Exodus 3-4.

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