
We Are Living Books

662) It’s easy for us to be overly concerned with our words and actions. This is an important thing. But sometimes we can forget that our day-to-day words and actions speak loudly. I read somewhere years ago that you may be the only Bible some people read.

Genesis 47 illustrates this when Joseph goes to the Pharaoh, the most powerful man in the world, and asks him to allow Joseph’s family to live nearby. Pharaoh is quick to grant this request, even to the extent of giving Joseph’s family the best land to live in. I wonder if this would have been the same result had Joseph said one thing about his God and his principles and did the opposite in his actions? The answer is simple. No. I think I can rightly say, none of these great things could have come Joseph’s way if he had been, “all talk” and no actions to back them up.

Sometimes we need to remember that we are all living books. What we say and do always influences others. What type of book are you?

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