
A Little Pencil in God’s Hand

659) A couple of years ago, my husband built me a writing station. It can hold both my computer monitors, books, pens, and paper with two small filing cabinets to hold my paperwork. Above this, I have a bulletin board and a whiteboard. As I had the joy of getting this area set up, I placed a quote above it all and it says, “I am like a little pencil in God’s hand. The pencil has little to do with it.”–Mother Teresa. I have this posted to recognize the same thing that Joseph did in Genesis 41:16.

We realize that in and of ourselves, we can do nothing of spiritual significance, but with God, He will do the work if we let His Spirit flow through us. It is a humbling experience to sit at my keyboard, start writing and to see the words that flow onto the screen. I can look at what I have written and marvel at what is clearly not something from my mind and fingers alone. Joseph made it clear in Genesis 41 that he was not the one responsible for what only God could do. May we all realize that we are pencils and God is the Author.

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