
Rest is Underrated

621) One year, I had to accompany a group of 8th graders on a trip to Boston. We left the school at 4:30 am and returned at 3:30 am the next day. I guess I was the lucky teacher because I got assigned the 4 rowdiest boys to chaperone.  This was the first – and only time, I hope, that I had no sleep in a 24-hour period. I remember driving the five miles home at 25 mph just because I really couldn’t see straight. I think this memory is a good illustration when we think of our spiritual lives. Jesus promised His children rest. When your spirit is not at rest with God, it can be just as dangerous as it was for me to drive home that morning. Jesus said that He delights in giving his children rest. Rest is, indeed, underrated. Matthew 11:29

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