A Friendly Responsibility

2036) Friendships for my young scholars often waver between best friends and then mortal enemies. I have seen repeatedly one of my kids in manic jubilation over a new friend, to plunging into the depths of despair when the friendship crumbles.  

In moments like this, it’s not helpful for me to say, if they truly were your friend, they wouldn’t treat you this way. After a little time passes, I will share this sometimes difficult to hear insight. It reminds me of the truth of Psalm 55:12-14.  

Here the psalmist describes how some of his so-called friends are treating him as if he were the enemy. The pain is evident in his words.  

It’s good to consider, now and then, that we cannot control others’ actions, but we can control ours.  

How do we treat our friends? Do we listen to them? Do we encourage them? Do we go to bat for them?  

Friendships require responsibilities.

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