Two Masters

2034) I have read and observed a fundamental truth about business. It must have one leader, even though there are organizations that should have boards who continually make sure the one in charge acts positively on behalf of that business. Two leaders rarely work because you have two sets of values (even if these both are good things) and two personalities and ways of looking at things.  

Jesus alludes to this in John 10. He is speaking to the pharisees, telling them there is only one way to salvation and that’s through him. Jesus goes on to say in verse 10 there are those (including his present audience) who will try to steal this salvation offered by grace, by requiring works in order to receive salvation. This teaching leads to spiritual death because who can keep the law? (The 10 Commandments, for example.)  

Jesus told them he is offering life because the old law is now fulfilled in him and given to all by grace.  

Keeping the old law isn’t a bad thing. It’s when we use it to make us feel just, righteous, and more dedicated followers of God is when it becomes wrong.  

This is serving two masters. Law and Grace. They can’t both be ruling.

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