
2033) Where I live in Maine brings with it much beauty but it also brings a lot of wind. We have had wind so strong here that small buildings, set in cement posts, have blown over. The wind makes many things difficult at times.  

John 3 is a passage which cradles a very familiar verse, John 3:16. In this chapter, Jesus is speaking with a pharisee, Nicodemus, who is having a hard time understanding the salvation Jesus came to bring; grace versus strict keeping of the law.  

Jesus tells Nicodemus, you must be born again (to enter the kingdom of heaven). It was clear this pharisee didn’t understand this, so Jesus explained using wind.  

He said the wind blows where it wants, and you can hear it but you cannot see it. Jesus was describing to Nicodemus that anyone born of the Spirit will be people who can “hear” Jesus’ words, even though they may not see him. This spiritual hearing is the catalyst for responding and accepting Jesus’ salvation.  

The next time you feel wind on your face, let it remind you of salvation and faith. They are gifts God gives to all.

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