2030) I continually have to work on restraining my negative reactions to things. It seems at times it’s within a nanosecond for me. Something happens. BOOM. I react. If this sort of thing happens, I often hear within myself and from others. I can’t help my reactions.
Matthew 5:5 tells us there are many blessings that come from being meek. This word, meek in the Greek, means having your power (actions/reactions) under control.
It seems I have no control over these reactions, but I think it’s important to notice Jesus is not addressing how we feel. Instead, he’s talking about what we do with these feelings.
Sometimes immediate negative reactions/actions are a learned habit, and with God’s help, we can learn to separate how we feel from how we react. This takes discipline.
Matthew 19:26. With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.