
1978) There are many things about teaching I’ve learned through the years. One is I’ve learned the value of spelling out choices to my young scholars, so the “ball” is in their court.  

An example of this is, you can choose to do the work now, like I’ve asked you or you can do it later, when others will be free to do an activity.

Example two. If  there’s an altercation among my kids, I will remind them of the consequences. Sometimes one will say, my parents told me if anyone slugs me, then I can slug them back. Though this is a tricky one in dealing with tweens, I will say, calmly (hopefully), if you choose to do this, here is what the consequences are. You make the choice.

Romans 12:17 tells us something about choices. It first tells us not to repay evil with evil. Here is a choice. Many live on the premise, if you do this to me, then I’ll do it back to you. God doesn’t say here we cannot respond to what is done to us. Instead, he gives us a boundary.  

The verse also tells us to make the choice to do what is honorable. The word for honorable can be translated as having a good and worthy character.   Just like Proverbs 15:1 tells us, a soft answer turns away wrath.

It’s all about choices.

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