Gave not Lost

1964) In my youth, I played basketball for many years. There were games I exerted a huge effort in order to win and there were others, this wasn’t needed. There were a few games, however, when we clearly knew we would lose and because we got so discouraged, we mentally and physically gave up. Being trounced is a bad feeling.  

As I read John 19:30, I think about the difference between losing and giving up. Here, Jesus was in his last moments on the cross. His body had endured so much pain and Jesus did something, voluntarily; he gave up his life. Why is it important to note Jesus gave up versus lost?  

“Giving up” is a choice, while losing has to do with defeat. Jesus wasn’t defeated as many, including Satan, may think. He chose to give up his life, so salvation is possible for everyone, including those who nailed him to the cross. He defeated death three days later.  

Take the time to praise God that Jesus gave up and yet never gives up on us. His commitment is eternal.

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